Tuesday, 6 November 2012

40 Words You Will Never Use vol. 3

The latest batch of words that on a daily basis only crazy people dare to use. My favourite one must be “elision” which refers to "the omission of a sound or syllable when speaking” — never thought there was a word for it! Now for the ultimate challenge: use as many of these as possible in one game of Scrabble! Ha!

Elision ● Amalgamation ● Abhorrence ● Transgress ● Epithalamium ● Crevasse ● Tenacious ● Veridical ● Vociferous ● Vehement ● Avarice ● Fecundity ● Obfuscate ● Incorrigible ● Scurrilous ● Inoculation ● Quagmire ● Corollary ● Portent ● Effervescent ● Mendacious ● Prolegomenon ● Excise ● Prolegomenous ● Preposterous ● Inculcation ● Virulence ● Rapacious ● Opprobrium ● Surreptitious ● Palatable ● Excoriate ● Raucous ● Equanimity ● Adventitious ● Reticent ● Viscous ● Impunity ● Obdurate ● Desideratum

 Meanings after the break.

  1. Elision — the omission of a sound or syllable when speaking 
  2. Amalgamation — the action, process, or result of combining or uniting
  3. Abhorrence — a feeling of repulsion; disgusted loathing
  4. Transgress — infringe or go beyond the bounds of something
  5. Epithalamium — a song or poem celebrating a marriage
  6. Crevasse — a deep open crack, esp. one in a glacier
  7. Tenacious — not readily letting go of, giving up, or separated from an object
  8. Veridical - truthful
  9. Vociferous — a strongly expressed protest or demand, typically from a large number of people
  10. Vehement — showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
  11. Avarice — extreme greed for wealth or material gain.
  12. Fecundity — capable of producing an abundance of offspring 
  13. Obfuscate — render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible
  14. Incorrigible — not able to be corrected
  15. Scurrilous — making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation
  16. Inoculation — treat (a person or animal) with a vaccine to produce immunity 
  17. Quagmire — soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot
  18. Corollary — a proposition that follows from (and is often appended to) one already proved.
  19. Portent — a sign or warning that something, esp. something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen
  20. Effervescent — giving off bubbles
  21. Mendacious — not telling the truth; lying
  22. Prolegomenon — a critical or discursive introduction to a book
  23. Excise — cut out surgically
  24. Preponderance — the quality or fact of being greater in number, quantity, or importance
  25. Preposterous — contrary to reason or common sense
  26. Inculcation — instill an attitute, habit, idea by persistent instruction
  27. Virulence — extremely severe or harmful in its effects
  28. Rapacious — aggressively greedy or grasping
  29. Opprobrium — harsh criticism or censure
  30. Surreptitious — kept secret, esp. because it would not be approved of
  31. Palatable — (of food or drink) pleasant to taste 
  32. Excoriate — censure or criticize severely
  33. Raucous — making or constituting a disturbingly harsh and loud noise
  34. Equanimity — mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper
  35. Adventitious — happening or carried on according to chance rather than design
  36. Reticent — not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
  37. Viscous — having a thick, sticky consistency between solid and liquid
  38. Impunity — exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious 
  39. Obdurate — stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
  40. Desideratum — something that is needed or wanted


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