Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Say Hello to CooCoolu

Explaining something to someone is often easier with a drawing of the concept, idea, issue etc. than just talking about it. A chalkboard used to be a great way of doing that but with the advent of new technologies and the Internet it has been gradually wandering into obscurity. Tools used today are mainly presentation software, drawing and diagramming applications, or infographics apps. Technologically advanced and feature packed but performing tasks that should at most take us a few minutes usually requires more time than we would have wanted it to.

We started working on CooCoolu to solve this problem. By offering a simple, social and fun product we aim to make it a one stop solution to graphically explaining stuff online. But CooCoolu won’t be just a fancy version of PowerPoint with sharing features. Similar to web mapping applications such as Google Maps, CooCoolu's canvas will an interactive matrix revealing more detailed information only when needed, using size, distance, colour and simple illustrations of key concepts to guide the understanding of the viewer. 

See CooCoolu as a one-slide interactive presentation that you can create and publish online in minutes for anyone to play with.

Get your invite for the beta at


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