Thursday, 31 December 2009

2009 wrap-up.

This is it! 2009 is almost over. I remember I wondered this time last year, how the hell am I going to beat 2008!? After all, not every year one gets to meet Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, wins in a business plan contest and gets a job at Apple’s flagship retail store. How was 2009 then? Hit “Read more” for the highlights.

Academic-wise there were three things. First, back in February I got a first prize in a marketing contest organised in my university. They even run a story about it on the Internet. Second, in June I finished my bachelor’s degree in Business Management. It was great to be free again and it felt like I could doing anything, anytime and anywhere!


My freedom wasn’t meant to last long, though.... Yes, because third I got a place in a master programme in marketing management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. This was really cool because not only I get to study in one of the best schools of business in Europe but also live in the city where my ancestors came from!

People-wise there was a bit too. Actually, I met sooooooooooooo many cool people in 2009! First, I met Andy Shannon, an awesome photographer who taught me a great deal about life. Second, I had an amazing opportunity to meet Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft, and ask him a question that was later aired on national TV in The Netherlands! Third, I finally got to go to a concert of a phenomenal hip-hop artist Pete Philly. I even managed to have a little chat with him.

Pete Philly is a great hip-hop artist

YES! A lot of great things happened in 2009. Of course there were several things that weren’t exactly how I wanted them to be, too. But in the end I can only say that for the most part, I truly enjoyed it. And actually, I have never been more ready to take on the challenges ahead than I am now. Yes, 2009 really was a great year! 2010, here I come!

Andy's website:

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