Thursday, 3 September 2009

Advanced Selling Strategies

Straight to the point

One million times I’ve seen ads proudly boasting about proven formulas and guaranteed results. So naturally, when I saw the cover page of the book Advanced Selling Strategies by Brian Tracy I was little sceptic when I read “The proven system of sales ideas, methods and techniques used by top salespeople everywhere” written on the front cover. But there was another thing that caught my attention, too  a perfect five star rating on Amazon! Interesting, I thought, and soon afterwards I was filling in my credit card details...

Learn the art of selling 

I wanted to buy a book to help me have better sales interactions with my customers at work. After more than 10 months in my company I was still a little confused what to do and what to say when with my customers. I needed to improve. For a while I was concentrating on expanding my product knowledge and it was a pure accident when I realised that what I really needed was to improve my soft skills. Initially, I searched for another book and Advanced Selling Strategies came out as a suggestion by Amazon in the search results. Bingo!

Now, after having read through half of the book, I can say that I could not have made a better choice. As a matter of fact, it is probably the best business book I have read in my life. It is really that good. Not only it explains how selling works, giving a ton of exciting examples along the way, but also makes the topic of consumer behaviour a lot clearer than any of the textbooks I have used during my bachelor’s degree study. The most incredible part of the book, though, is it’s continuos focus on the subject of personal development. The author gives amazing advice on how to be happy and successful in life.

Here are some examples:

  • “By using your mind, your ability to think, you take charge of your life and determine your own destiny."
  • “A positive mental attitude is the most outwardly identifiable quality of a winning human being, and it is the characteristic most closely identified with success in selling of all kinds."
  • “When you begin to understand and apply the power of your mind, in selling and in life, your future becomes virtually unlimited."
  • “All superior men and women in our society have a long-term perspective with regard to themselves and their lives."

The book is simply full of amazing quotes like these that inspire and motivate to work hard and not settling for less. And the best thing about it is that it is only where the fun begins with this book. There is so much more content out there. Like the “The Seven Mental Laws of Selling”, “Seven Exercises to Achieve Mental Fitness” and “Personal Strategic Planning for Sales Professional” which all can be applied to pretty much anything we do in life.

Life changer?

This book did change my life, it inspired me to reach for the stars and to never give up. I feel like I am so much better equipped to realising my dreams than I was just a couple of months earlier. I know what the ingredients of success are and now I have to practice cooking until the meal tastes right. I also know to never judge a book by its cover.

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