Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Exams are on, baby!

It’s finals time. My course at university is drawing to a close, and I must say it is tough. Had two exams already - Managing Business Organisations and Business Strategy - and, well, what can I say, we’ll see.

What’s left? Here is the list:

  1. International Marketing - 29 April
  2. Social Organisations of Organisations - 1 May
  3. International Trade and Finance Law - 7 May
  4. Marketing Communications - 11 May
  5. Consumer Behaviour for Marketing - 12 May
  6. Approaches to E-business - 14 May

When I first realised I am going to have 8 exams I was like ‘!@£$%^*’!!! Now, after having sat two most difficult ones I am trying to have fun with it, I mean this is my topic area after all. Well, we’ll see how it goes.

Favourite pastime: books

Meanwhile I finished the Warren Buffett book. I am a fan, that’s all I am going to say at this stage.

Now I’m reading 'Napoleon: The Path to Power' by an Australian author Philip Dwyer, one of the two books (along with De Oratore by Cicero) I didn’t manage to complete last summer (in large part courtesy to the massive Buffett biography). So far it is an amazing read. I mean Napoleon is such a fascinating character, you have to love him.

Napoleon: Path to Power
Philip Dwyer

Jogging along the Thames

What else? I haven't been to the gym for like a month now, in stead I started jogging along the Thames. I do that whenever I can and I must say it is way more relaxing and a fun thing to do than going to the gym. I miss Soho Gyms, though.


  1. You can make it!

    I remember the times when i'm still in college. So much exams to take, term papers, projects, research papers etc. Sometimes it makes me cramming! Don't know what and where to start but then, it had a nice output. lol.

  2. No problem! it's my pleasure to give some encouragement to some people especially over on what you called World Wide Web. lol

    btw, i'll follow your blog if you don't mind. thank you so much!

  3. Great pleasure to have you following my blog!

  4. thanks for allowing me to follow your blog. hehe

    btw, nice quotations from some of the well-known personalities.

    thank you!
