Tuesday, 22 May 2012


Most art comes from other art: a reaction, 
a development, an improvement. Nigel Holmes

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Bad News is Good News

Everyday is a string of events that we enjoy and those that we don’t, interwoven into one fabric that we call “life”. In a way, every decision we take is like tossing a coin because it always seems to get us either one of the two results. Sometimes we even get lucky and a few things that we really enjoy happen to us one after another. But just like with tossing a coin, the probability of getting one result increases each time we score the opposite one. Scoring either heads or tails consecutively for an extended period of time will simply not occur indefinitely. Analogically, with every good thing that we experience, the probability of something less enjoyable coming up next increases as well. Taken at face value, this really seems a rather pessimistic outlook on our lives! But fortunately this should work the other way around too: getting bad stuff also should increase the probability of the good stuff occurring! So the more of the bad stuff happens, the closer we get to the good stuff that we really desire. As it seems, failures, mishaps and all kinds of flops really are the necessary prerequisite of success. So the next time something doesn’t go according to your plan, endure it with your head up, the good stuff is coming.